Find below a short version of my curriculum vitae (see also LinkedIn).

Education / Qualification

When What Where
2024-now Habilitation University of Lübeck
2018–2022 Dr. rer. nat. (thesis) University of Bamberg, Applied Informatics
2016–2018 M.Sc. Mathematics (thesis) University of Regensburg
2014–2016 B.Sc. Mathematics (thesis) University of Regensburg
2013–2014 Studies of B.Sc. Physics University of Regensburg
2010–2012 Extracurricular studies Chemistry accompanying school University of Regensburg
2005–2013 High School (Gymnasium)  

During my studies (2013–2018) I received scholarships by the German National Academic Foundation and the Max-Weber-Program of the state of Bavaria.


When What Where
2024-now Postdoc University of Lübeck, Institute for Software Engineering and Programming Languages, Group Hybrid AI
2021–2023 Researcher Trustworthy AI Continental Automotive GmbH,
Central R&A, Artificial Intelligence
2018–2021 Doctoral Researcher Continental Automotive GmbH,
Holistic Engineering and Technologies, Artificial Intelligence
2017–2018 Working Student Continental Automotive GmbH,
Corp S&T, Software Center of Competence
2016–2017 Tutor for Linear Algrebra lecture University of Regensburg,
Faculty of Mathematics
2015–2016 Tutor for LaTeX block courses University of Regensburg,
Faculty of Physics